Establish an ICF Fund to Support the
Idaho Panhandle Habitat for Humanity
Establish an endowed Designated Fund to forever support the work of the Idaho Panhandle Habitat for Humanity. Fund assets will be invested and each year, a small portion of the endowment (about 5%) will be distributed to IPHFH to support their great work.
Sample Will Language:
I give and bequeath $__________ to the Idaho Community Foundation, a public charity, to be used to establish a permanent Designated Fund, entitled the _____________________Fund. Distributions from the fund shall be made to the Idaho Panhandle Habitat for Humanity to support their mission of providing decent, affordable housing for families in need. Distributions shall be identified to the beneficiary as coming from the Fund. The amount available for distribution each year shall be determined in accordance with the Foundation’s Distribution Policy in effect at the time.
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